Project Seller Type, year |
1234 Echo Brut 01 Available at Extraset Edition, 2023 |
Project Seller Type, year |
1234 Echo Brut 01 Available at Extraset Edition, 2023 |
Project Seller Type, year |
1234 Echo Brut 01 Available at Extraset Edition, 2023 |
Project Seller Type, year |
1234 Echo Brut 01 Available at Extraset Edition, 2023 |
Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Plakat Mini-Specimen Available at Extraset Type Design, 2023–Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Plakat Specimen Leaflet Available at Extraset Type Design, 2023–Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Plakat Shirt Available at Extraset Apparel, 2023 |

Project Client Type, year |
Ozzy Roto Form Fett (3D Print) Zone 01 02 Internal Project Exhibition View, 2023 |

Project Client Type, year |
1234 Echo Brut 01 Zone 01 01 Internal Project Exhibition View, 2023 |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Plakat Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2023–Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
1234 Echo Brut 01 Available at Extraset Poster, 2023 |

Project Client Type, year |
Echo Brut Klar Plak Film Internal Project See Movie, 2023 |

Project Client Type, year |
1234 Echo Brut 01 Zone 00 03 Affichage Public See Project Poster, 2023 |

Project Seller Type, year |
1234 Echo Brut 01 Available at Extraset Exhibition View, 2023 |

Project Seller Type, year |
1234 Echo Brut 01 Available at Extraset Exhibition View, 2023 |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Grotesk Mono Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2023-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Grotesk Mono Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2023-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Grotesk Mono Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2023-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Kurrent Mono Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2023-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Kurrent Mono Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2023-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Kurrent Mono Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2023-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Grotesk Mono Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2023-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Grotesk Mono Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2023-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Face Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2021-Today |

Project Client Type, year |
1234 Echo Brut Internal Project Floorster, 2022 |

Project Client Type, year |
49 Nord 6 Est – Frac Lorraine Identity Collaboration with Matteo Venet 49 Nord 6 Est – Frac Lorraine Poster, 2020 |
Project Client Type, year |
Cycle #5 Et Maintenant Collaboration with Matteo Venet 49 Nord 6 Est – Frac Lorraine Paper, 2020 |

Project Client Type, year |
Programme 2020-21 Collaboration with Matteo Venet Pictures Raphaëlle Müller Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève Brochure/Poster, 2020 |
Project Client Type, year |
Programme 2020-21 Collaboration with Matteo Venet Pictures Raphaëlle Müller Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève Brochure + Leaflet, 2020 |
Project Client Type, year |
Programme 2020-21 Collaboration with Matteo Venet Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève Brochure + Leaflet, 2020 |

Project Client Type, year |
Graphic Design and Cultural Diplomacy HEAD–Geneva Flyer, 2019 |

Project Client Type, year |
Graphic Design and Cultural Diplomacy HEAD–Geneva Flyer, 2019 |

Project Client Type, year |
Graphic Design and Cultural Diplomacy HEAD–Geneva Flyer, 2019 |

Project Client Type, year |
Graphic Design and Cultural Diplomacy HEAD–Geneva Flyer, 2019 |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Grotesk Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2017-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Grotesk Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2017-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Grotesk Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2017-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Grotesk Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2017-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Grotesk Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2017-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Kurrent Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2017-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Kurrent Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2017-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Kurrent Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2017-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
ES Klarheit Kurrent Available at Extraset Typedesign, 2017-Today |

Project Client Type, year |
Bourses Déliées 2019 FCAC Fonds Cantonal d'Art Centemporain HEAD–Geneva Brochures, 2019 |
Project Seller Type, year |
ES Quarz Available at Extraset Type Design, 2020 |
Project Client Type, year |
Variations by Sigmasix (Electron Festival) 2019 Sigmasix Interactive Environment Sigmasix Poster (Identity Bootleg), 2019 |
Project Client Type, year |
Poster Series Season 2019-20 Collaborative work with Matteo Venet Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève Posters, 2019-20 |

Project Client Type, year |
SG Vox Bespoke Typeface Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève Typedesign, 2018-2024 |
Project Client Type, year |
Programme 2019-20 Collaboration with Matteo Venet Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève Brochure, 2019-20 |
Project Client Type, year |
Programme 2019-20 Collaboration with Matteo Venet Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève Brochure, 2019-20 |
Project Client Type, year |
Amour(s), 16 Jours de photographie Collaboration with Matteo Venet Arcoop Wall Project Festival Exhibition Catalogue-2019 |
Project Client Type, year |
Amour(s), 16 Jours de photographie Collaboration with Matteo Venet Arcoop Wall Project Festival Identity, 2019 |
Project Client Type, year |
Cie 72 73 Identity. See the website Collaboration with Matteo Venet Compagnie 72 73 Identity + Website, 2019 |

Project Seller Type, year |
Nein Typeface, 2020 Available at Extraset Type Design, 2015-Today |

Project Seller Type, year |
Nein Typeface, 2020 Available at Extraset Type Design, 2015-Today |

Project Client Type, year |
Waves from Random Selector Version 1.0 HEAD–Geneva Extract, 2018 |

Project Client Type, year |
Narratives of a Near Future HEAD–Geneva Identity, 2017 |

Project Client Type, year |
Narratives of a Near Future HEAD–Geneva Identity, 2017 |
Project Client Type, year |
Type Item #8 Taxonomie (Research project) HEAD–Geneva Experimental Posters + Tools, 2017 |
Project Client Type, year |
Type Item #8 Taxonomie (Research project) HEAD–Geneva Promotional Posters + Tools, 2017 |

Research Advisory is a service provided by Futur Neue with the aim to bridge the gap between research and designers. It provides independent designers with the opportunity to turn an early-stage idea into a research project and to harness the innovation potential of project.
Any designers with an independent activity who would like to develop innovative ideas and looks from support and guidance. This service serves as an intermediary between the existing institutional structures and the designers.
The service helps you to:
• Assess the validity or viability of a proposed project or initiative
• Identify the potential financing sources
• Connect you to potentiel partners
• Provide scientific and technical guidance
• Help writing the proposal
• Manage the project
Constance Delamadeleine is a Research advisor, PhD researcher and a graphic designer with over 10 years of experience in the following areas: scientific research (history of design), research project management and teaching (Research methodologies and history of design).
Research projects
2019-2020 Researcher within the project Présence suisse au Sénégal. Rôle du design graphique dans une exposition au musée Dynamique de Dakar
2016-2021 PhD researcher within the project
Swiss graphic design and typography revisited
2014-2022 Panorama
Head of research
Development of a digital database mapping graphic designers based in the French-speaking part of Switzerland
Selected Publications
2021 “Multiple voices.” In Swiss Graphic Design histories, edited by
Davide Fornari, Robert Lzicar (Zürich: Scheidegger and Spiess, 2021).
2021 “The Promotion of Swiss Graphic Design Abroad: the Case of Paris in
the 1960s.” In Design Issues, special issue, 37 (1) (2021), pp. 42-50.
2018 “The Business Face of Swiss Graphic Design.” In Back to the Future
[ICDHS 10th+1 Conference], edited by Oriol Moret (Barcelona:
Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, 2018).
Selected Conferences
2020 “The Era Hofmann”, Basel Kunst Gewerbeschule
2020 “Swiss design week”, Bezalel school, Jérusalem
2019 “Les Suisses de Paris”, Centre culturel suisse de Paris
2018 “Back to the future”, ICDHS, Université de Barcelone
2018 “Junior Design Research Conference”, HEAD – Genève
2014 “Mapping Swiss graphic design history”, HKB Bern
• For any enquiries please contact
• Check out full Constance Delamadeleine’s CV
× Form Swiss, Form #1 Lausanne
Selected works exhibited at Form Swiss exhibition in ECAL Lausanne, 2023
× Swiss Max, Taïwan
Selected works exhibited at Swiss Max exhibition in Taïwan, 2021
× 100 Beste Plakate 20 D A CH
Poster Series Winner at 100 Beste Plakate 20 D A CH Competition. Theater Saint-Gervais Genève series (designed in collaboration with Matteo Venet), 2021 also exhibited in 2021 at Weltformat
× Form Swiss, Form #1 Tokyo
Selected works exhibited at Form Swiss exhibition in Tokyo, 2021
× Idea Magazine #388 Form Swiss #1
Interview about swiss graphic design in the swiss French linguistic region
× Neshan Magazine #45 Design And Education
And you, what are you teaching in your classes? My open questions to the actors of our next visual landscapes. Essay by Alex Dujet on education, 2019
× Graphic Design Scotland International Poster Competition
Posters Narratives of a Near Future Research Conference at HEAD–Geneva and a poster series for the theater St-Gervais Genève (designed in collaboration with Matteo Venet) exhibited in the final stage of the competition in Glasgow + Interview in the exhibition catalogue about poster design approaches, 2018
× 100 Beste Plakate 17 D A CH
Type Item #8—Taxonomie Poster Series Winner at 100 Beste Plakate 17 D A CH Competition. Exhibited in different european cities such as Berlin (main opening), Vienna, Luzern, Lausanne, Geneva, 2017 also exhibited in 2018 at Weltformat
× Print Program #7 — Printheads
Print Program #7, an exhibition in collaboration with HEAD–Genève in the frame of Design Days about a selection of printed projects made by alumnis from HEAD–Genève, curated by Neo Neo, 2017
× Swiss Style Now Exhibition, New York
Swiss Style Now Exhibition at Cooper Union, 41 Cooper Gallery, New York. An exhibition about contemporary swiss graphic design, 2016
× Print Program #4 — Specimen Exhibition
Print Program #4, Geneva. Exhibition about type design that especially focused on type specimens, 2016
× Swiss Made Exhibition
Swiss Made, St Petersburg. Exhibition about contemporary swiss graphic design, curated by Projector Magazine and supported by Pro Helvetia, 2016
× Bourses de la Ville de Genève
Exhibition of “Neue Revue” at Centre d’Art Contemporain (Geneva), a self-initiated project by Futur Neue about references in the swiss graphic design landscape, 2015
× Form Magazine #253
Interviewed in “Form Magazine” as young Geneva based swiss graphic designer,2014
× Type Only Book, Unit Editions, 2012
Through the work of around 100 graphic designers from around the world, Type Only explores the communicative and emotive power of type when used in isolation. —
Falaises 12
CH 1205 — Geneva /
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